UNECE WP29《自动驾驶汽车框架文件》
除了《自动驾驶汽车框架文件》之外,GRVA的提案Proposal for amendments to Framework document on automated/autonomous vehicles (levels 3 and higher) 还提出了UNECE WP29应优先考虑的关键问题和原则:
a.系统安全/ System Safety。
b.失效响应/Failsafe Response。
c.人机界面/Human Machine Interface (HMI) /Operator information。
d.OEDR/Object Event Detection and Response (OEDR)。
e.ODD/ [Operational Design Domain (ODD/OD)] (automated mode)。
f.系统安全验证/Validation for System Safety.
h.软件升级/ Software Updates.
i.事件记录与存储系统/Event data recorder (EDR) and Data Storage System for Automated Driving vehicles (DSSAD).
j.车辆维护与检查/Vehicle maintenance and inspection.
k.用户教育与培训/Consumer Education and Training.
l.碰撞预防保护与兼容/Crashworthiness and Compatibility.
m.碰撞后行为/ Post-crash AV behaviour.
自动驾驶车辆安全原则对比Safety PrinciplesUSA (NHTSA FAVP 3.0)Japan (MLIT-Guideline)Canada (Transport Canada)Europe (EC Guidance)
Vision: “0” accidents with injury or fatality by ADVEnsure Safety : Within ODD ADV shall not cause rationally foreseeable & preventable accidents
1Safe Function (Redundancy)1) System Safety9) Post Crash Behaviorii) System safety by redundancy6) Safety systems (and appropriate redundancies)7) Safety assessment – redundancy; safety concept2Safety Layer3) (OEDR)ii) Automatic stop in situations outside ODD
iii) Compliance with safety regulation
iii) Compliance with standards recommended
vii) for unmanned services: camera link & notification to service center4) International standards and best practices2) Driver/operator/ passenger interaction- takeover delay; camera & voice link for driverless systems3Operational Design Domain2) Operational Design Domaini) Setting of ODD2) Operational design domain1) System performance in automated mode – description
2) Driver/operator/ passenger interaction – boundary detection4Behavior in Traffic3) OEDR12) Federal, State and local Laws
3) OEDR1) System performance in automated mode – behavior4) MRM – traffic rules; information5Driver‘s Responsibilities
iv) HMI – driver monitoring for conditional automation1) Level of automation and intended use
7) HMI and access of controls – accidental misuse2) Driver/operator/ passenger interaction – information; driver monitoring6Vehicle Initiated Take-Over4) Fallback (MRC)6) HMIii) Automatic stop in situations outside ODD
iv) HMI – inform about planned automatic stop
3) Transition of driving task – lead time; MRM; HMI4) MRM7Driver Initiated Transfer6) HMI
7) HMI and Accessibility of Controls1) System performance in automated mode - takeover8Effects of Automation
7) HMI and Accessibility of Controls – unsafe misuse
9Safety Certificate
viii) Safety evaluation via simulation, track & real world testingix) In-use safety - inspection5) Testing and validation
11) After market repairs / modifications7) Safety assessment – product; processes; risk assessment; standards10Data Recording10) Data Recordingv) Installation of data recording devices12) User privacy
13) Collaboration with government agencies & law enforcement5) Data storage system11Security7) Vehicle Cybersecurityvi) Cybersecurity – safety by design
ix) In-use safety – software update10) Cyber security11) System update6) Cyber security12Passive Safety8) Crashworthiness
9) User protection during collision & system failure
13Driver‘s training11) Consumer Education/Trainingx) Information provision to users8) Public education and awareness8) information provision to users
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