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力顺源机械有限公司 工程师
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Germany Alltec/FOBA GmbH 销售工程师
深圳市深蓝宇科技有限公司 项目部
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深圳大通激光有限公司 技术部工程师
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武汉嘉铭激光 市场部经理
武汉安扬激光技术有限公司 市场部经理


Monica Liao Program Manager
Zhu Ziqun, Media Manager
Tel: +86-755-83279017-844
Helen Kang, Sales Manager
Tel: +86-0755-83279017-842

About Seminar

China's laser industry embraced a thriving year in 2013. Laser industrial parks in cities such as Wenzhou, Anshan and Tianjin have subsequently matured with government’s vigorous support, while laser technology's upgrade and regeneration continued to accelerate. Fiber laser enjoyed a rapid growth in global market last year and remains as hotspot in 2014. China is developing FTTH and sheet metal cutting technology progressively, which is bound to generate growth in tunable lasers and fiber lasers. In laser additive manufacturing sector, technology was gradually showing its superiority riding the wave of energy conservation. Industrial laser applications in automobile manufacturing, consumer electronics, microelectronics and the energy area had draw increasing attention.

The country is becoming the world's largest laser processing application market. Being at the stage of industrial transformation and upgrading, China’s demand for advanced industrial lasers will continue to expand, and the country will certainly become the main battlefield for industrial laser applications.

“OFweek Advanced Laser Technology and Industrial Application Seminar 2014” offers in-depth analysis and discussion on the technological innovation and the practical application of laser processing for the industrial applications, in fields such as automotive, shipbuilding, electronics semiconductors and optical communications, among other sectors.


Registration & Opening  
13:30 - 14:00pm Registration
14:00 - 14:10pm Welcome speech
Keynotes Laser industry market forecast
14:10 - 15:40pm Retrospect and prospect of laser industry

Development status and trend of industrial lasers

Keynotes Laser technology and application
15:40 - 17:20pm Advanced fiber laser product and its latest application development
Analysis of application prospect of laser repair and remanufacturing technology    
Laser automation equipment and its processing applications
Analysis of application prospect of laser repair and remanufacturing technology
Ceremony OFweek Laser Awards 2014
17:30 - 18:00pm
(More details will be released in July 2014)


Chinese Academy of Sciences ◆Academician Liu Songhao, President, School of information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, South China Normal University
◆Academician Yao Jianquan, President, College of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronic Engineering, Tianjin University
Chinese Academy of Engineering ◆Academician Fan Dianyuan, Laser Expert, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
More academic representatives ◆Zhu Jianqiang, Director and Professor, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics
◆Ni Guoqiang, Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology; Standing Director and Secretary General, Chinese Optical Society
◆Zuo Tiechuan, Professor and President, College of Laser Engineering,Beijing University of Technology
◆Jiang Shaoji, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Sun Yat-sen University; Vice Chairman and Secretary General, Guangdong Optical Society
◆Dr. Chen Jung Tsai, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited
Entrepreneur Representatives: ◆Gao Yunfeng, President, Han's Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
◆Lu Qitao, Deputy Chief Engineer, Han's Laser Technology Co., Ltd.
◆Mr. Erich Schraner, General Manager,Umicore JuBo Thin Film Products( Beijing) Co Ltd
◆Dr.Rüdiger Kubitzek, Managing Director and CTO Thin Film Metrology, AudioDev GmbH

Why attend?

  • gathers over 200 senior level experts, engineers, government authorities etc.
  • Network with people who can help you.
  • Discover best-practice application case in industrial application sectors.
  • Various media exposure
  • Get expect advice from highly skilled product engineers
  • OFweek Laser Awards 2014 will kick off concurrently to help promote your innovations.

Who will attend?

  • Experts, senior management, sales and marketing executives of the laser industry
  • Executives and technicians of the laser application technology industry
  • Government departments and the industry’s investors
  • Laser and photonics companies
  • Laser system integrator manufacturers
  • Universities / research institutes
  • Laser applications sector: automotive, high-end and intelligent manufacturing, precision
  • machining, electronics / semiconductor industry, metal / material processing, shipbuilding, rail
  • transportation, aerospace, laser gain additive manufacturing (3D printing), defense industry
  • Others (servicing / training / software, etc.)

Previous Sponsors

Call for paper (Deadline: Aug.20, 2014)

OFweek Laser will publish the OFweek Advanced Laser Technology and Industrial Application Seminar 2014 Information Pack. The Information Pack will include excellent articles and contributions by the experts previously published by OFweek Laser. The estimated circulation is 3,000. The publication will be distributed to the audiences of the Seminar for free, as well as to the professional attendances of the concurrent event.

We would like to welcome contribution from businesses of the industry. The contribution shall be in the forms of but not limited to articles on technology market analysis, product applications, customer experience, case studies (preferably co-written by you and your customer), and the introduction of a product or solution. The contributions will also be published via OFweek Laser’s technical columns and communities.

OFweek Advanced Laser Technology and Industrial Application Seminar 2014 Information Pack offers an excellent advertising opportunity, please feel free to make enquiry.

To contribute, please contact:

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